We are pleased to announce that we can now open our beloved church to parishioners, starting from tomorrow our church will be open for Divine Liturgy from 9.30am. We will have a visiting priest from London leading the service on Sunday 12th July.
In order for us to open the church, some changes have been completed inside of the church, to abide by the guidance from the UK Government and from our Archdiocese.
Due to this please can we all make sure to adhere to the Government guidelines as the local council has the right to come into church to inspect and confirm that we are following procedures and guidelines.
To help us to ensure we can keep the church open, we ask you to please kindly follow the guidelines attached and follow the social distancing rules.
We really appreciate the patience and understanding you have shown throughout these challenging and emotional times and thank you in advance for all your cooperation.
We look forward to welcoming you all back tomorrow
(Please remember we have a maximum capacity we are allowed in the church and once this capacity has been reached, you will not be able to enter until someone has left).

To Download the Guidance Notes please click here