Tuesday, 13th February 2024, 18.30 at the London School of Economics (LSE) Public Event, “Does Europe Need Religion?” Talk by His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great BritainVenue: LSE Lecture Theatre, Ground floor, Centre Building, LSEThis event is free and open to all. No registration is required. The event will be followed by a reception. Live Broadcast: www.youtube.com/c/hellenicobservatorylse
Sunday, 25th February 2024,18:00Duo Violins Music Concert
(Church melodies with a choir) at the Church of the St. John the Baptist Haringey, Wightman Road, N8 0LY followed by a reception at the Church Hall.
This event is free and open to all. No registration is required.
Monday, 26th February 2024, 19:30Duo Violins Music Concert
(Traditional and folk music)at the artsDepot Theater, 5 Nether Street, Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley, London N12 0GATickets available from the Theatre Box Office.
We hope and pray this email finds you, your families and your friends safe and well.
In order to develop and sustain the short-term and long-term future of our church, we require your help.
Church Funding
The sole source of our church funding comes from the people who attend our services; we have recently found we need to complete some significant renovations to the church pillars as you will be able to see from the photos attached. These renovations need to be completed urgently as the weather is changing.
We are asking you all to please make a donation, no matter how much you can spare as this is set to be a very costly renovation for the church.
We understand this is a difficult time for all, due to the cost of living but we will benefit from your help to keep our church safe and open.
If you would like to make a donation you can contact any member of the committee or contact us via the contact us page and we can send the bank account details.
Alternatively, you can use our Just Giving page. Just Giving charges a fee and so a direct payment is preferable.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
God bless you and your families
Kind regards
The church committee
( Please consider a regular donation, be it weekly, monthly or yearly. This can be made either in person, by cheque, standing order, or bank transfer.)
Stella Georgiou Mother of Sonia, Vera(Rebecca) and Andy has sadly passed away on Thursday 3rd February 2022
The funeral will be held on Wednesday 23rd February 2022 at 1.00 pm at the church of St Panteleimon and St Theodoros, Cavendish place and then at Langney Cemetery. The wake will be held in the church hall afterwards.
Any flowers or donations to be made to the church in memory of Stella Georgiou. If you would like to make a direct donation please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee or PM me for further details. Stella
We are pleased to inform you that the new antimensia that were consecrated by His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas at the Church of Saints Basil the Great and Paisios the Athonite in Lincoln last Saturday the 17th of July.
The new antimensia depict Saints of the British Isles. Every parish of the Archdiocese must have a new antimension that is signed and sealed by our Archbishop Nikitas, so that the Holy Liturgy may be celebrated upon it.
If anyone wants to contribute to the cost their names will be recorded in the Altar. The overall cost including postage is £260.
I looked up what this is and found the following:
The antimension, (from the Greek: ἀντιμήνσιον, “instead of the table”; in Slavonic: antimins), is among the most important furnishings of the altar in Orthodox Christian liturgical traditions. It is a rectangular piece of cloth, of either linen or silk, typically decorated with representations of the entombment of Christ, the four Evangelists, and scriptural passages related to the Eucharist. A small relic of a martyr is sewn into it. The Eucharist cannot be celebrated without an antimension.
The antimension is placed in the center of the altar table and is unfolded only during the Divine Liturgy, before the Anaphora. At the end of the Liturgy, the antimension is folded in thirds, and then in thirds again, so that when it is unfolded the creases form a cross. When folded, the antimension sits in the center of another slightly larger cloth, the eileton (Slavonic: Ilitón) which is then folded around it in the same manner (3 x 3), encasing it completely. A flattened natural sponge is also kept inside the antimension, which is used to collect any crumbs which might fall onto the Holy Table. When the antimension and eiliton are folded, the Gospel Book is laid on top of them.
The antimension must be consecrated and signed by a bishop. The antimension and the chrism are the means by which a bishop indicates his permission for priests under his omophorion to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and Holy Mysteries in his absence, being in effect the church’s license to conduct divine services. If a bishop were to withdraw his permission to serve the Mysteries, he would do so by taking back the antimension and chrism from the priest. Whenever a bishop visits a church or monastery under his omophorion, he will enter the altar and inspect the antimension to be sure that it has been properly cared for, and that it is in fact the one that he issued.
Only a bishop, priest, or deacon is allowed to touch an antimension. Since the antimension is a consecrated object, they must be vested when they do so—the deacon should be fully vested, and the priest vested in at least stole (epitrachelion) and cuffs (epimanikia).
The antimension is a substitute for the altar table. A priest may celebrate the Eucharist on the antimension even if the altar table is not properly consecrated. In emergencies, when an altar table is not available, the antimension serves a very important pastoral need by enabling the use of unconsecrated tables for divine services outside of churches or chapels. Formerly if the priest celebrated at a consecrated altar, the sacred elements were placed only on the eileton. However, in current practice the priest always uses the antimension, even on a consecrated altar that has relics sealed in it.
At the Divine Liturgy, during the Litanies (Ektenias) that precede the Great Entrance the eiliton is opened fully and the antimension is opened three-quarters of the way, leaving the top portion folded. Then, during the Litany of the Catechumens, when the deacon says, “That He (God) may reveal unto them (the catechumens) the Gospel of righteousness,” the priest unfolds the last portion of the antimension, revealing the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. After the Entrance, the chalice and diskos are placed on the antimension and the Gifts (bread and wine) are consecrated. The antimension remains unfolded until after all have received Holy Communion and the chalice and diskos are returned to the Table of oblation (Prothesis). The deacon (or, if there is no deacon, the priest) must very carefully inspect the antimension to be sure there are no crumbs left on it. Then, it is folded, followed by folding the eiliton, and after which the Gospel Book placed on top of it.
We are pleased to announce that we can now open our beloved church to parishioners, starting from tomorrow our church will be open for Divine Liturgy from 9.30am. We will have a visiting priest from London leading the service on Sunday 12th July.
In order for us to open the church, some changes have been completed inside of the church, to abide by the guidance from the UK Government and from our Archdiocese.
Due to this please can we all make sure to adhere to the Government guidelines as the local council has the right to come into church to inspect and confirm that we are following procedures and guidelines.
To help us to ensure we can keep the church open, we ask you to please kindly follow the guidelines attached and follow the social distancing rules.
We really appreciate the patience and understanding you have shown throughout these challenging and emotional times and thank you in advance for all your cooperation.
We look forward to welcoming you all back tomorrow
(Please remember we have a maximum capacity we are allowed in the church and once this capacity has been reached, you will not be able to enter until someone has left).