Dearly beloved in the Lord,
I would like to share with you the upcoming Archdiocesan events scheduled to take place during the Christmas Season, and to encourage you to promote these wonderful initiatives in your parishes. Those able to travel, please make every effort to attend with members of your congregation. Registration is not necessary.
Our festal gatherings are wonderful opportunities for us to exchange greetings, as well as to request in person the paternal blessings and prayers of our archpastor, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, and by doing so, we demonstrate genuinely the ecclesiastical ethos of the Orthodox.
London-area clergy are strongly encouraged to attend both events with members of their committees and congregations
1) Archdiocesan Christmas Concert sponsored by Christos Lazari Foundation on 19th December 2024, at the Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom.
2) Archdiocesan Christmas Open House, 22nd December 2024, at the newly renovated Thyateira House.
I have attached the two formal flyers for your further information and so that you may promote and post these on your community’s bulletin boards and social media.
Looking forward to meeting you in the weeks to come, I remain with many thanks and my heartfelt prayers for a blessed and spiritually uplifting Christmas Fast.
Fraternally yours,
+Archim. Nephon Tsimalis
Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain | Ecumenical Patriarchate
5 Craven Hill
W2 3EN
+44 (0)2077234787