An online event for young people on the theme of the ‘Lenten journey toward Pascha.’

Your Graces, Reverend Fathers, Esteemed Presidents of the Communities of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord,

On Wednesday the 14th of April, at 18:00, an online event will take place for young people on the theme of the ‘Lenten journey toward Pascha.’ The event will be comprised of two talks, one by the V. Rev. Archim. Apostolos Trifyllis and the other by Fr Petros Georgiou. The talks will be relevant to children and primarily adolescents, so please share the links and poster with the families of your parish, encouraging them to participate in this initiative of the Archdiocesan Youth Office. 

Thank you, once again, for your support and encouragement. Wishing you all a healthy remainder of the lenten period and strength for Holy Week and Pascha. 

With respect and appreciation

Alexios Florides

Youth Office of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain 

Link and Poster:

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of GB is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Youth Office: The Lenten Journey towards Pascha 

Time: Apr 14, 2021 06:00 PM London

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Sunday School Teachers of the Archdiocese – Κατηχητές-τριες της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής

Αγαπητοί μας εν Κυρίω,

Συνημμένα παρακαλούμε βρείτε το διαφημιστικό υλικό για τους Κατηχητές και Κατηχήτριες της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής. Παρακαλούμε να ανεβάσετε το υλικό αυτό στον ιστότοπο της Κοινότητός σας.

Με εκτίμηση,

Τμήμα Παιδείας της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής

Dear Beloved,

Attached please find advertising material for the Community of Sunday School Teachers of the Archdiocese. Kindly upload the material on your Community website.

Best regards,

Education Department of the Archdiocese