Christmas Message from Bartholomew – Ecumenical Patriarch


By God’s Mercy
Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch
To the plenitude of the Church
Grace, mercy and peace from the newborn Savior Christ in Bethlehem

Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The sweetness of the holy night of Christmas once again embraces the world. In the midst of human toil and suffering, crisis and challenge, greed and hatred, anxiety and despair, the mystery of the divine incarnation presents the same charm as a truly tangible and ever contemporary reality, urging “the inhabitants of the world to learn righteousness” (cf. Is. 26:9), for “today our Savior is born” (Luke 2:11).

Unfortunately, however, in our age, many people think like Herod, that illicit and utter slayer of children, annihilating their fellow human beings in manifold ways. When Herod’s self-centeredness distorted his mind as an earthly leader, he was paradoxically threatened by the birth of an innocent Child. Therefore, Herod chose the annihilation of the Child as the most appropriate way of protecting his earthly power.

To escape his murderous intentions, the Infant Jesus, about whom the angels spoke, was forced to flee to Egypt, becoming (as we might say in today’s terminology) a “political refugee,” together with Mary, his most-holy mother and Theotokos, as well as the righteous Joseph.

In our time, which is considered a time of progress, many children are forced to flee as refugees with their parents in order to save their lives, which are undermined by diverse enemies. This is truly a disgrace for the entire human race.

For this reason, on the occasion of the nativity of the Child Jesus, our genuine Redeemer and Savior, we proclaim from the most-holy Apostolic, Patriarchal and Ecumenical Throne that every society must guarantee the safe development of children and respect their right to life, education and normal upbringing, which may be secured by their nurture and formation within the context of the traditional family, based on the principles of love, compassion, peace and solidarity, which are gifts offered to us today by the incarnate Lord.

The newborn Savior invites everyone to receive this message of salvation for all people. It is true that, in the long course of human history, people experienced many migrations and settlements. Yet we would have hoped that, after two world wars as well as numerous proclamations for peace by church and political leaders and institutions, modern societies would be able to secure the peaceful coexistence of people in their own lands. Unfortunately events have shown otherwise and shattered our hopes, because huge masses are today obliged to set out on a bitter road as refugees in the face of annihilation.

This ever-escalating situation, with the constantly swelling wave of refugees, increases the responsibility of those of us who are still blessed to live in peace and some comfort, in order not to remain insensitive to the daily drama of thousands of our fellow human beings. Instead, we are called to express our practical solidarity and love, knowing that every gesture of love toward them is ultimately attributed to the newborn and incarnate Son of God, who came to the world neither as king and ruler, nor as tyrant or aristocrat, but rather as a naked and defenseless Infant in a tiny manger, homeless like many thousands of people at this very moment, and forced from his earliest years to migrate to a distant land in order to survive the hatred of Herod. The innocent blood of today’s refugee infants spills onto the earth and into the sea, while Herod’s insecure soul “bears the guilt.”

This divine Infant, born in Bethlehem and headed to Egypt, is the authentic guardian of today’s refugees, who are persecuted by modern-day Herods. This Child Jesus, our God, “became weak to the weak” (cf. 1 Cor. 9:22), in every way becoming like us who are weak, wearied, at risk, as refugees. Our support and assistance to the persecuted and displaced, irrespective of race, ethnicity and religion, resembles the most precious gifts of the wise men to the newborn Lord, like the invaluable treasures of “gold and frankincense and myrrh” (cf. Matt. 2:11), an inviolable and permanent spiritual wealth that remains incorrupt to the ages and awaits us in the heavenly kingdom.

Let each of us offer whatever we can to our refugee brothers and sisters, in whom we see the person of Jesus Christ. Let us offer the precious gifts of love, sacrifice and compassion to the small Child Christ born in Bethlehem, imitating his tender mercy. And let us worship him with the angels, the wise men and the simple shepherds, as we cry out “glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill to all people” (Luke 2:14), together with all the saints.

May the grace and abundant mercy of the refugee Infant Jesus be with you all!

Christmas 2015

Your Fervent Supplicant before God

Message in Greek
Message in English

Modern Greek A level

Please scroll down for an English version of this message

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

Η απαράδεκτη απόφαση του EDEXCEL (Examination Board) να προχωρήσει στην κατάργηση των A-Levels στα Νέα Ελληνικά από το 2018, ολοκληρωτικά διαμφισβητούμενη εκ μέρους μας, μάς θέτει όλους προ των καθηκόντων μας και της υποχρέωσης που έχουμε ως Ελληνισμός να προστατέψουμε το επίπεδο της γλώσσας μας και της ελληνικής εκπαίδευσης στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία, τις ρίζες μας, το μέλλον των παιδιών μας και της πατρίδας μας.

ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να δώσουμε στα παιδιά μας την ευκαιρία να διδαχτούν τα αριστουργήματα της λογοτεχνίας μας, συνειδητοποιώντας  ότι η αποξένωσή τους από τα Α-Levels, τους στερεί τη δυνατότητα και τη χαρά της πρόσληψής τους.

ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να έχουν την ευκαιρία να γευτούν  την αισθητική αυτή απόλαυση,  μελετώντας τα.

ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να τους δώσουμε ΕΜΕΙΣ αυτή την ευκαιρία: το Σχολείο, οι γονείς, ΟΛΟΙ μας.

ΠΡΕΠΕΙ το EDEXCEL να επιτρέψει αυτό στους μαθητές μας, στα Ελληνόπουλα και σε πολλούς άλλους ακόμη που θέλουν να συνεχίσουν.

Η γλώσσα μας είναι ο μεγάλος θησαυρός μας, είναι η ψυχή μας. Μια γλώσσα  με ΔΥΟ Νόμπελ λογοτεχνίας. Μια γλώσσα  με πλούτο, με ποιότητα, με  εύρος. Το γνωρίζετε  όλοι σας αυτό πολύ καλά. Γι’ αυτό πασχίζετε και σεις και μεις. Δεν ζητάμε τίποτε περισσότερο παρά το αυτονόητο.

Αν  επιτρέψουμε  ενέργειες σαν αυτές να περάσουν, σιγά σιγά θα αλλοτριωθούμε από την γλώσσα μας και αργά αργά  θα χάσουμε την ψυχή μας, την ταυτότητά μας.

Οι εξετάσεις  των Α-Levelς στα Νέα Ελληνικά λειτουργούν στα παιδιά μας, έστω και ανεπίγνωστα, σαν πυξίδα για ανοδική πορεία  αλλά και επιβράβευση των προσπαθειών τους.

Πέρα όμως από όλα αυτά, είμαστε σίγουροι ότι  όλος ο κόσμος, και μάλιστα ο επιστημονικός, έχουν συνειδητοποιήσει ότι τα Ελληνικά είναι ένα στοιχείο πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς του Δυτικού πολιτισμού και ένας ανεκτίμητος θησαυρός, όχι μόνο για μας τους Έλληνες αλλά για όλους. Οι Άγγλοι το γνωρίζουν καλά αυτό. Καθήκον μας λοιπόν να το ξαναθυμίσουμε και στο EDEXCEL.

Σας καλώ να υποστηρίξετε αυτή την προσπάθεια του Σχολείου και των επίσημων φορέων. Πρέπει να εκκινήσουμε από την ίδια αφετηρία για να έχουμε ένα καθαρό αποτέλεσμα. Το ΕΦΕΠΕ έδωσε το έναυσμα για μια συντονισμένη προσπάθεια.

Με  τρανταχτά επιχειρήματα  και προσωπική υποστήριξη του καθενός μας, με την υπογραφή μας, θα  προσπαθήσουμε  να πείσουμε  το EDEXCEL  να αλλάξει αυτή την απόφαση.

Υπογράψτε λοιπόν τη λίστα διαμαρτυρίας και προωθήστε τη σε γνωστούς, φίλους, και άλλους υποστηρικτές.

Έχετε υπόψη σας ότι διπλή υπογραφή θα θεωρηθεί αναξιόπιστη από το EDEXCEL   και θα μηδενίσει την όλη προσπάθεια. Αν έχετε υπογράψει στα φυλλάδια που εδόθησαν στην αρχή, αυτό ειναι αρκετό και θα προωθεί. Αν έχετε υπογράψει σε οποιαδήποτε άλλη λίστα για το ίδιο θέμα, είναι επίσης αρκετό.

Εμείς ως Σχολείο, ως δάσκαλοι, ως Έλληνες θα κάνουμε την προσπάθειά μας.

Σταθείτε δίπλα μας, δίπλα στα παιδιά μας, στη γλώσσα μας, στο μέλλον μας.

Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ,

Γεωργία Αντωνίου.


Ελληνικό Σχολείο Αγ. Γεωργίου, Kingston upon Thames



Dear parents and  friends

In mid-April 2015 EDEXCEL announced their intention not to redevelop Modern Greek A level after 2018.Their main reason is that it is a small-entry language and that it is not cost-effective to maintain the qualification. We, the teachers, parents and students of the St George Greek School at Kingston-upon-Thames feel deeply humiliated and irrevocably offended by the Edexcel decision.

The substantive and symbolic importance and impact of the Greek language on the Western Thought, Civilisation and its Historic Paradigm is too great and too deep to be so easily disregarded by such unilateral narrow-mindedness. Since ancient times, Greek language has been admired, loved and actively spoken, written and studied by the People of World, not only by the Greeks. Its historical heritage and unprecedented linguistic wealth rightfully makes the claim to be the oldest European language that belongs to the World.

The Greek Community was not consulted prior to reaching this unilateral decision which we consider unjust, of biased judgement and hastily-taken.

We believe that EDEXCEL should withdraw their decision in view of the substantive and symbolic damage that it will cause.

We are certain that we can convince them to reconsider if we are given a proper chance to voice our point of view and of course listen to theirs.

We need your fullest possible support for this by signing this petition and making sure that you make it as widely known as possible.

Many thanks

Dr Michael Tzanakis

Teacher of A level Modern Greek