Encyclical of His Eminence the Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateria and Great Britain – Greek

Please click here for a PDF version of the Encyclical of His Eminence the Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateria and Great Britain – Greek


Please click here for a PDF version of the Encyclical of His Eminence the Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateria and Great Britain – Greek

Saint Anthony the Great – North London

We have received the following invitation from Saint Anthony the Great in North London.

Please email Paraschos Anastassiades at PAnastassiades@orthodox-islington.org.uk for further information.

Dear Parishioners,

Happy New Year!

You are invited to the festal celebrations of St Anthony the Great.

This year is specially significant for us, as it is the 50th anniversary of the foundation of our Community (1966), and we hope it will mark not only a celebration of the past, but also our firm hope and resolution to move forward and make progress as the only Orthodox Church in the borough of Islington.

We also kindly ask if you can help us here at St Anthony’s by forwarding the attached Invitation to SAINT ANTHONY THE GREAT to our younger generation and also any non speaking Greek Orthodox faithful, for them we have Sat 16TH Jan morning dedicated services all in English  and a complimentary light lunch please refer to attached programme.

On behalf of the clergy all the members of the Community we wish you a very happy Christmas and a New Year of progress in proclaiming the Good News of the ‘God Who Is With Us’.

Kind Regards,

Paraschos Anastassiades

Please email Paraschos Anastassiades at PAnastassiades@orthodox-islington.org.uk for further information.

The Invitation to SAINT ANTHONY THE GREAT can be found here here

Images from the Dance

A great night was had by all, many thanks to the organisers.  Below you will find some images of the evening and some videos of the great dancers.  If anyone else has some images that they would like to share please contact me via the contact page and I will arrange to have them added here.

Pictures of the evening can be found here

Or watch this slide show

The following Videos are also available.